Features & Services

The 71 rooms (double, twin and 2-room apartments) have a unique design that combines the vintage look of solid wood furniture with modern facilities creating a relaxing atmosphere, ensuring the comfort you need


You can start your day with a diverse range of dishes served in a Swedish buffet style, cooked with fresh ingredients by our skilled hotel chefs.

Comfort & relaxation

In our hotel you benefit from comfortable and high mattresses for a restful sleep, desk, hanger and luggage rack, LED TV, landline telephone, air conditioning, private bathroom with all the necessary equipment and mini fridge.

Services & extras

The hotel has its own parking within the limit of available places, video surveillance, 2 elevators, free Wi-Fi throughout the unit, non-stop reception, laundry/ironing services, wake-up service.


Breakfast is a Swedish buffet and is served daily between 07.00-10.30

Free parking

Within the limits of available places, you can benefit from free parking with video surveillance

Ironing / washing services

All hotel customers benefit from laundry/ironing services for a fee

Cable TV

Each room / apartment is equipped with LCD televisions with access to numerous television channels

Increased comfort

We use quality mattresses for quality relaxation and rest

Air conditioning

All rooms are equipped with an air conditioning system for extra comfort during your stay


The hotel is equipped with an access ramp and elevators


In all hotel rooms you have free access to wireless internet

24-hour reception

The hotel's reception is open 24/7 and is at your disposal with numerous services upon request.

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